Are thigh gaps good or bad
Are thigh gaps good or bad

are thigh gaps good or bad

Thigh gaps are for Victoria’s Secret and sick people. To achieve anything other than what we are naturally is torture. We’re meant to have bits that you can poke and that jiggle long after you’re no longer poking them. Women are meant to have bits that rub together. Sure, I’ve complained in the summer when it’s sweaty and my thighs are rubbing together, chafing as I walk, but the alternative–a void where my fat should be–seems even more insane than having to vigorously talcum powder myself. What’s the thigh gap for, anyway? The only thing I’ve ever needed to get between my legs is a cock, and I can just spread them for that. I cannot even begin to address the immensity of the ridiculousness of this completely inhuman molding of flesh and bone. Tangential thoughts on the nature of beauty and power aside, thigh gaps look fucking stupid, and whatever magazine editor decided to trick women into thinking being able to see the horizon through their legs is sexy is a bastard cunt and should be flayed. Like being beautiful on the outside somehow makes us better. Power over ourselves, power over society’s social hierarchies and power over those we interact with. Because that’s all the quest for exterior beauty is really a quest for power. And it’s high time we started collectively rejecting emaciation as a sign of power. So I’m calling fucking shenanigans on every otherwise mentally and physically healthy woman that thinks a “thigh gap” is covetable. To stop deifying women who have achieved unrealistic, comic book style bodies. But I’m calling it now–the only way to break the cycles caused by beauty related mental illnesses is to change the reasons why people develop to believe such measures are necessary to validate themselves within our cultural and social landscape.

are thigh gaps good or bad

Let me disclaimer this by saying I’m not trying to make light of eating disorders or any other kind of body dysmorphia, because I know some overly politically correct fucktards are going to want to have at it because criticising anything that might vaguely have to do with a serious issue has become a taboo. I’m not sure we’ll ever look back and laugh at the time we thought being able to fit a basketball between our legs without bending them was an admirable trait. These women are–in what seems a very sudden turn of events to me–holding up insect-like, far apart thighs as the paragon of female beauty.īeauty fads come and go, and the media, for the foreseeable future, will sell women all manner of ridiculous aesthetic norms that define “beauty.” I mean, perms were a thing once. Women whose thighs you could barely slide a credit card through.

are thigh gaps good or bad

The women I know are becoming increasingly obsessed with posting images of this thing called a “thigh gap.” Smart, rational, eating-disorder free women. Something weird is happening in my social media world.

Are thigh gaps good or bad